FutureProof: Episode 1- Perfecting the Customer Experience
October 9, 2024
FutureProof: Episode 2 – Enhancing your drivers experience with TBN.
November 19, 2024User Portal Updates
- Updated text for message displayed when customer requests to book a quote with past departure dates
- Added Home page with “Quick Create” and “Quick Navigation” buttons
- “Price Type” is now a required field when creating an Addon Type
- Contract Rate Name is now required when creating a Contract Rate
- Added “Print Driver Pay Stubs” button to Payroll Entries in Payroll Periods
- Added the ability to remove drivers from Accident and Incident Reports
- Added “Summary” and “Detail” options to Booking Totals Report export when filtering by Organization, Salesperson, Booking Category, and Department
- Added the ability to remove a contract rate from an Organization
- Added internal notes field to Tours Tickets
- Added “View PDF” button to Invoice Documents section on Invoice Details page
- Daily Usage Report now exports in landscape view
- Booking Totals Report will be sorted by revenue in descending order when filtered by Organization, Salesperson or Category
- Added “Return Date Range” filter to the Revenue Earned by Vehicle Report
- Updated “Copy Booking” to bring over pricing equation information
- Updated the Daily Sales Report to include information for the same vehicle or addon type in a single line
- Updates to amenities in bookings are now logged
- Wash Schedule can now be generated for a date range of up to 7 days
- Added “Departure Yard” filter to Messages
- Updated Daily Sales Report date range to 31 days limit
- Added “Default CC Contacts” and “Default BCC Contacts” options in Email Templates
- Updates to user role permissions
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where “Earliest Departure Date” was not displaying on some bookings on the Bookings Dashboard
- Fixed an issue where notification was not being sent to salespeople for requests to book made through the Booking Widget
- Fixed a bug where using the general ledger codes filter on the Dispatch Expenses Report was not displaying all dispatch expense entries
- Fixed a display issue with affiliate assignments on the Scheduler
- Fixed a bug where taxes weren’t displayed properly on Booking PDFs
- Fixed a bug that caused signature instructions and booking PDF disclaimer to not display on some Booking PDFs
- Fixed a bug that caused locations not to populate if Departure Yard isn’t set first
- Fixed a bug that prevented the correct number of bookings from displaying on the Booking Totals Report before updating date filters
- Fixed a bug prevented the Routes by Booking page from being searched by addresses