for the sake of better…

Modern | Logical | Easy to Use | Cloud-based | Integrations

Customer & Driver Portals

• Customer portals that you control the access
• Customers can manage quotes, bookings, and invoices
• Customers can digitally sign and pay via portals
• Drivers can see and accept assignments
• Drivers can see other drivers on moves
• Drivers can download and print work tickets
• Mobile-first web app for driver portal. No download

Dispatch & Driver Management.

Take a behind-the-scenes tour.

Our Demo Team is here to help. We know your time is limited and we would love to show you OpsDriver with when it works best for you.

Built In Email Functionality.



• Automate follow-up based on the type of customer
• Develop different customer experiences
• Quotes, bookings, payments, invoices, etc.
• Logic-based, so the right message is always sent
• Track what was sent and who it was sent to
• See what was opened and when with tracking

Point. Click. Subscribe.

$3999 setup. $599/Month and $10 per user is all it takes to put the power of tomorrow to work today! Subscribe today!

Positioning Relief Builder

Take a behind-the-scenes tour.

Our Demo Team is here to help. We know your time is limited and we would love to show you OpsDriver when it best works for your scheudle.

Scheduled Service



• Industry first scheduled service template based tool
• Build a contract and deploy in minutes
• Manage each dispatch individually or as a group
• View and edit dispatches from a single screen
• Easily add or edit times or days to a schedule
• One click delete of future dispatches

Digitally Signed Contracts

• Customers can digitally sign for every booking
• Track who has signed what and when
• Disclaimers, Terms & Conditions and booking info
• Allows multiple signers on a single booking
• Manages disclaimers and T&C versions
• Email based links can be signed from any device

Inline Payments


• Customers can pay deposits, bookings, and invoices
• No login is required for customers to pay online
• Fully integrated with automated emails
• Automatic credit card surcharges for online payments
• Opt individual customers out of surcharges
• Industry first accept, sign and pay feature

ELD Integration & Payroll

• Two-way automated data transfers
• Integrations with leading industry ELDs
• Send routes to ELDs from TBN
• Receive driver actuals from ELD on dispatches
• Report planned vs. actual for easy review
• Drive payroll with better data
• Eliminate manual data entry of driver actuals


Extend the functionality of OpsDriver

The support you want.
When you want it.
How you want it.

We believe that training and support should be easy, free, and convenient.

Want to change a price at 10:30 on a Friday night, but you can't remember how? Need to change a vehicle type to sold out on a Sunday morning? In just minutes, you can find and watch a short video that will show you how no matter what time, day or night!

See OpsDriver in Action

Need a demo... we're here to help!

Welcome to the corner of innovation and profitability!

Charter customers love our our cutting edge, cloud based, tools that are driving up revenues, increasing efficiencies, and making business better for our operators. See them in action here-

What's Included?


OpsDriver LITE

Sales & Bookings
Contacts and OrganizationsXX
Customer Facing Quote WidgetXX
Quote Management XX
Discount Codes XX
Location Based PricingX
Contract RatesXX
Dymanic Pricing/Pricing CalendarXX
Email TemplatesXX
Follow Up Automation AvailableXX
Booking ManagementXX
Online PaymentsXX
Tours IntegrationXX
Commision SupportXX
Email from your DomainX
Emails from MyTripInfo.coX
Online Contract SignaturesXX
Customer PortalXX
Dispatch Managmenet (main report/Schedular)XX
Advanced Dispatch Management (vehicle & Driver availablity, Driver Scheduling)X
Scheduled Service SupportXX
Driver MessagingXX
Places FunctionalityXX
Acicdent/Incident ManagementX
ELD & Third Party Software Integration X
School Bus ManagementX
Vehicle Out of Service ManagementXX
Driver Portal AppXX
GL Code Mapping X
Payroll SupportX
Fincial ReportingXX
Advanced Financial ReportingX
Individual Trip InvoicingXX
Bulk InvoicingX
OpsDriver Lite Manager or User Permissions X
OpsDriver Advanced Roles and PermissionsX
Change logging XX
Up To 15 vehiclesXX
Unlimited VehiclesX
Up to 10 UsersXX
11+ UsersX